Skillful hands yields powerful a tranquilizing oasis.
30+ Years & 5-Star Services: Acupuncture / Tui Na Center and Herbs.
We have Chinese doctors/professors who have 20 - 40 years of experience in Chinese Acupuncture / Tuina and Chiropractic treatment.
We are specialized in: High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Kidney Diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatism, Liver Diseases, Headaches, Sciatica, Herniated Disc, Hyperthyroidism, Periarthritis of Shoulder, Skin Diseases, Menstrual Pain & Disorders, Uterus Fibroid, Infertility, Nasopharyngitis, STD, Male Impotence, Fatness, Depression, Sleeplessness, Acute Pain, Knee pain, Low back pain, Neck pain, Shoulder Pain, Sprain, Stroke and many other hard to cure diseases.
Call us (847)328-0432.
1905 W. Howard St. Evanston, IL 60202
(Free parking lot in the back)
238 W. Cermak Rd, Unit 2D, Chicago, IL 60616